Visiting Taree

Last Sunday we all emptied out of our hall and went to visit Christadelphians in Taree. It was lovely to see them all as well as one of our own members (Mel) who recently moved to Port Stephens.

We had a fabulous talk on being content and trusting God in whatever situation we find ourselves in. Afterward, we all went out for lunch and played Kubb in the local park.

Thanks Taree for having us! We'll be back :)

Knit and Natter

On the last Wednesday of every month (during school terms), these women get together and knit blankets for widows in Kenya. 

If you would like to join in, feel free to turn up with your knitting needles at 10.30 am (tea and coffee provided).


Watch this video to see how much it means to get one of these blankets:

Source: knitandnatter

Days For Girls

One of our members has recently joined with a group of Charlestown Christadelphians who are involved in a fantastic project called Days for Girls.

In the website's words:

What if not having sanitary supplies meant DAYS without school? Days of isolation? Girls use leaves, mattress stuffing, newspaper, corn husks, rocks, anything they can find...but still miss up to 2 months of education and opportunity every year. It turns out this issue is a surprising but instrumental key to social change for women all over the world.

This group of ladies gets together once a month to make these life-changing kits. If you would like to get involved, please contact us. 

So far, we sent 39 kits to Kenya, 36 to Tanna Island Vanuatu and we are currently doing some for Santos Island, Vanuatu and Kenya. 



Ladies Study Class Trip

Every fortnight a bunch of ladies from our congregation get together in houses or at the Bible Education Centre. Members meet for a discussion around a spiritual book and enjoy lunch together. 

Today, we had a lovely trip out, enjoyed a ferry ride and great laughs together.

If you are interested in coming along, please contact us, we would love to meet you!

Thank You

We had a Morning Tea-less Morning Tea to fundraise for Bibles in Kenya. A big THANK YOU to everyone who came and supported this event.

Thanks to your generosity, so much money was raised that we had enough to build a playground too! Amazing. Here is the picture that Abi and Sam sent us (along with a super cute video). 

We are IN!

We began building our meeting hall 25th October 2014 and on 20th September 2015, it is finally finished.

So...we are IN! We are no longer a cafe, but we hope to welcome you as we did before. We are now a Bible Education Centre and meeting place for the Watagans Christadelphians. Our plans (God willing) include playgroup, knitting workshops, charity fundraisers, sport events and more. But for now...



200 Gimberts Road Morisset. Please pop in, we'd love to see you :) 

Celebration Sunday

We had a wonderful time on Sunday celebrating the building of our new Bible Education Centre.


Thanks to everyone who came and enjoyed our celebration of praise and thanksgiving. An added blessing was having Abi and Sam there, recently returned from Kenya. Here are some pictures of the day:

From Kenya, With Love

Abi and Sam are two of our members who left in December for mission work in Kenya. They are a fabulous and enthusiastic couple who have decided to move to a place where the need is greatest. 

Abi and Sam are involved in many exciting projects including baptism class, English lessons, setting up a chicken farm, building rabbit hutches, widow's program and much more.

This is in their own words:
"Since our last blog we have been settling into Kenyan life quite well, we are loving having a change to our regular life that we had back in Australian, instead of getting up everyday and going to work we now have so many positive jobs to do on a daily basis, it is so fulfilling to be doing something that actually is making a difference in people's lives."

Follow their blog here: Agape Safari